Hi, I'm Tracks!

My Works

demon taehyung fest

snapping at their heels


9613 wordsexplicittae is bad at being a demon

suga's interlude

all tangled


4031 wordsexplicit“And what if I want to?” Jimin whispers, and a shiver runs down Yoongi’s spine, because he can’t deny he’s thought about it. Thought about Jimin on his knees for him, or bent over his desk.

Scenery fest

light the way for me


10933 wordsexplicit“What are you doing?” Taehyung finally manages to say.“What does it look like?” Jimin asks, voice low and inviting.“And what’s he doing here?” Taehyung asks, nodding in Jungkook’s direction.

spring day fest

counting the beat


10294 wordsexplicitThey’ve agreed they wouldn’t have contact over the break, they’d wait until they came back together for Bon Voyage. Then they would see if the feelings were still there, if it was still a good idea to move things to the next level.

vmin secret santa

can you come through?

10858 wordsexplicitIt’s starting to get out of control, the way Taehyung feels about Jimin. It’s becoming all consuming, and he’s worried Jimin will notice something is going on.

bts bigbang

in bloom


24399 wordsexplicit“Dude! He’s totally into you,” Seokjin says.“What?” Taehyung responds, still in some sort of haze.“Are you blind? He’s flirting with you, Taehyung. You’re so lucky I’m here to point it out to you. In fact, I’m the reason you’re here, so you’re doubly lucky. Because of me. You can thank me whenever you’d like,” Seokjin says.

Cupid's Fic Fest

can i go where you go?


16077 wordsexplicitHe doesn't expect to end up with an armful of a very naked man.Taehyung blinks at the podium where the statue was, and then stares wildly at the man in his arms. They lock eyes for what feels like minutes, neither speaking, until Taehyung manages, "Um..."

soulmates fest

when we got close


36848 wordsexplicitJimin is Tannie's groomer and Taehyung is smitten immediately


hopeless romantic (you're just hopeless)


3935 wordsmature“Hyung, have you ever considered - and stop me if this sounds absurd - that Jimin… likes you?”Taehyung pulls a face. “Of course he likes me, he’s my best friend.”

a piece of me with you


8370 wordsexplicit"Look. Most people don't even realize how much soul they have to begin with, and I'm really only taking a very minuscule portion of it.""What will it do to me?""Probably nothing.""That sounds like something a demon would say."

best laid plans


5824 wordsexplicitFor as many years as he’s tried to ignore it or deny it to himself he knows now exactly what he wants, and he has to add it to the list of things he can’t have. But he’s not a love sick teenager anymore, he’s had years of experience telling himself that Taehyung will never be his for more reasons that he can probably list.

quarantine bingo

crossing bridges


2043 wordsexplicitNamjoon knows, of course, how long Jungkook’s been in love with him. But he was just a kid back then, they both were, and Namjoon wasn’t ready to face what those feelings meant.

say those words to me


1365 wordsexplicit“What are you doing?” Seokjin asks, breaking his silence at last.“Um,” Yoongi stammers, retracting his hand. “I was… trying something.”“And what exactly are you trying?” Seokjin wants to know, eyes narrowed, a small laugh escaping him.“I was trying to- you know- dirty talk,” Yoongi explains, feeling his face flush hot under the scrutiny.



3262 wordsexplicit“I could be all yours, you just have to ask,” Jimin says, and his words hang in the air as Taehyung sucks in a breath.

do it for me


5577 wordsexplicit"I want to be Captain Korea," Yoongi jokes, and Jungkook bursts out laughing.

sing me your heart

we're friends when you're on your knees


20600 wordsexplicitHe’s not even sure why Taehyung hates him so much. They’ve never gotten along, that’s certain, so it was completely baffling when Taehyung walked with him to his car one night after a late shift and pressed him up against the metal, kissing him so desperately he could barely breathe.

let your teeth sink in


4376 wordsexplicitomegaverseJimin runs.He pounds the earth under his feet as he goes, doesn’t even dare to look back. One wrong step could mean certain death, he’s already weakened from the fight. Outcast and out numbered and there’s no choice left. This is exile.

like vines


1645 wordsmature“You make it better, when it’s too much. Sometimes it’s like all the negative thoughts in my head come together against me,” Jimin confesses. Taehyung idly plays with one of Jimin’s rings and Jimin takes a breath, pushes on. “Like when I feel like I can’t anymore, like no one thinks I can, you always believe in me.”

vmin bingo 2020

love you outloud

6153 wordsexplicit"I don't want to come in my pants," he whines into Taehyung's mouth."Not again?" Taehyung huffs out a laugh. "But it's so hot when you do."

good together

2781 wordsexplicit“What is it called?”“Full length?”“No it’s bigger than that. This is like-”“The perfect mirror to have sex in front of?” Taehyung finishes, raising an eyebrow. “I mean I spent like an hour researching this.”“I don’t know if that’s too much or too little,” Jimin comments.

mostly vanilla with a side of tentacle porn

3847 wordsexplicit“T- tentacle porn?” Taehyung says, voice going a little higher than usual. The anime Jimin had been watching shows a scene of a 10 tentacled monster fucking its way through Tokyo. “You like that?”

lying together

3172 wordsexplicitTaehyung hangs around, tries to stay out of Jimin’s way. In fact he tries to avoid Jimin’s line of sight because if Jimin sees him, he might catch on to the fact that he’s not even trying to flirt with anyone. Then Jimin might ask him about it. And Taehyung might have to come clean about the fact that he hasn’t had sex in five months because if he can’t have Jimin he doesn’t want anyone.

not all magic and fate

9855 wordsexplicit“Thanks for inviting me out!” Taehyung interrupts, plopping down next to Jimin. “Why are you staring at that guy?”“Love spell,” Hoseok simplifies, and Taehyung merely nods as if this is what he was expecting.“Who cast it?”

double knot

1604 wordsexplicit“Tighter,” Jimin whines. “Please,” Taehyung moves to face him, pulling the length of rope along with him. He wraps it around Jimin’s chest, tucks it in on itself to form a twist.

miles between

1903 wordsexplicit"Did you get the mail today?”“No, why?” Taehyung asks, confused.“I sent you something.” There’s something in Jimin’s voice Taehyung can’t pinpoint. Something mischievous maybe.

euphoria fic fest

the greatest thing


14552 wordsexplicitTo Jungkook, wrestling is a form of intimacy

vmin summer exchange 2020

like puzzle pieces from the clay

4791 wordsmatureSurprise doesn’t really cover Jimin’s feelings when Taehyung slides down from where he’s perched into the bubbles with Jimin. He’s still fully clothed, for one, long sleeved shirt and basketball shorts sticking to his skin.Secondly, it’s not like they’re in the habit of sharing a bath, and Jimin is naked under the cover of the copious suds. Taehyung looks anxious but playful, splashing a little water Jimin’s way.

bts-verse fest

lonely for you only


12991 wordsexplicit“Have you ever heard of someone… not being able to see their string?” Taehyung asks. “Like, hypothetically.”“You mean the red string?” Namjoon seeks to clarify, and Taehyung nods, chews his lower lip. “I haven’t, no. Why? What brought this on?”

bangtan at sea

on golden sands


13140 wordsexplicit"Hyung, do you know how to build a boat?""Probably? I've never tried before," Yoongi says, clearly humoring his employee."Can you teach me how to build a boat in three days?"

vmin week 2020

flashes popped like pins

2538 wordsgeneral audiencesTaehyung rests his elbows on the table and picks up the book, opening it to the first page when something shakes out of it. Setting the book aside he picks the object up - white square paper of some kind - but then recognizes it as a Polaroid.

love growing wild

Moodboard by mystictaegisus

2362 wordsexplicit“If people find out-”“Whose business is it but ours?” Taehyung asks, running his fingers through Jimin’s hair.

a little more touch me

4695 wordsexplicit“So it’s VR porn,” Jungkook had said when Taehyung was explaining it to him during his hiring interview.“What? No.”“But don’t you think that’s what people will use it for?” Jungkook asked.

a taste of what you've paid for

Moodboard by mystictaegisus

2061 wordsexplicit“My husband was a prominent scientist and I’m... comfortable,” Jimin eludes.“Was?” Taehyung asks, turning in his chair to face Jimin more directly.“Sadly he’s no longer with us,” Jimin explains but he doesn’t seem overly upset about it.

more than a touch (I want you to reach me)

1730 wordsgeneral audiencesThe current production went underway and he was tasked with being the personal costume assistant for Park Jimin. It’s a job he’s done before - helping an actor or dancer with their quick changes, making sure everything’s in place before they step back out on stage. He’s assisted performers more famous than Jimin and never once had any issue.But this started from day one.

all for the love of you

812 wordsteen and upTaehyung’s had Jimin every way he wants him, and yet there’s one thing he hasn’t yet acted on, his biggest secret, something he hasn’t even told Jimin about. He carries the ring with him always, determined to someday take that step.

jinkook bingo 2020

you just got punk'd!

2896 wordsexplicitWho knew ashton kutcher would be the inevitable catalyst and yet here we are

coming clean

Moodboard by MysticTaegisus

4758 wordsexplicit“I’m feeling good about it,” Jungkook tells him.“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” Seokjin asks absently, mind clouded with possible scenarios and outcomes, preparing for confrontation.“Because I’m on Team Kim Seokjin, and we all know Team Kim Seokjin always wins,” Jungkook says with a wink, looking around quickly before placing a light kiss on Seokjin’s cheek.

take me down

2698 wordsexplicit“My mouth won’t be on your dick,” Seokjin says with a smirk.“Oh yeah? And where will it- oh. Oh. Um, wow, okay,” Jungkook stammers.

find me under the stars

3274 wordsexplicit“I have no idea what I did to deserve this but if you could let me know so I could do it again that would be wonderful,” Seokjin says.

jinkook lovefest 2020

come together, come apart

17289 wordsexplicitWith Seokjin far away, without his presence in Jungkook’s everyday life, it should be easier, he could definitely do this.He can still fall out of love with him before he gets home.

title fic fest

(plenty of) fish in the sea


7710 wordsexplicit"So, when are you from?”“2018,” Seokjin answers plainly.“No way, I’m from 2019!” Jungkook shouts, smiling.

jinkookmas 2020

just my type

4680 wordsexplicit“Micha’s friends are nice,” Seokjin says and Jungkook grunts and nods. They’re nice for a bunch of homewreckers he supposes.“Too bad they don’t live in Seoul, you could date one of them. Or all of them. Or whatever,” Jungkook points out.“Not my type.”

I want your body (heat)

3158 wordsexplicit“I’ve heard sharing body heat is an excellent way to warm up.”“Sounds like a pick-up line,” Jungkook smirks.

stay frosty

3059 wordsgeneral audiences“Do you have a pen I can borrow?” Seokjin asks him, and Jungkook realizes he’s been staring, his cheeks heating with embarrassment. He plucks the writing utensil from his mouth and starts to pass it across the table but Seokjin wrinkles his nose. “Maybe not that one.”

stay-puft hearts

3688 wordsexplicit“Hyung.”“Um, yes?” Seokjin answers, unsure if he should continue Operation Mistletoe Extraction or not.“Is that mistletoe?” Jungkook asks, and Seokjin’s too embarrassed to turn around.“No, it’s... sage,” he lies. “To clear out… negative energy.”

more than words

2923 wordsexplicit“What are you up to?” Seokjin asks but instead of answering Jungkook kisses the back of his neck. “With your parents home?”Jungkook sees right past his feigned shock. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”

if the fates allow

2435 wordsmature“Please, be merciful!” Seokjin begs, hands clasped in front of his chest. Jungkook tosses him onto the bed and follows him down, blowing raspberries against Seokjin’s neck while he squeals.“You’re going to disturb the neighbors. They’re going to accuse us of more weird sex stuff,” Jungkook says, pulling back and brushing Seokjin’s hair off his forehead.

jinkook lovefest 2021

the full five stars

10222 wordsexplicitMaybe the idea that someone can find a lasting relationship on a boat with a cheesy name is silly, but it's where Jungkook placed his bet.

moodboard fest

come away with me

jinkook10947 wordsexplicitDiscreet. Personalized. The sky's the limit.

bts fair fest

thoroughly thrilled

jinkook4250 wordsexplicit"But you know what's nice about first dates being over?" Jungkook asks. The whoosh of a fireworks startles Seokjin and he watches as the sparks reflect in the obsidian of Jungkook's eyes. "That means it's time for second dates, and third dates."

bts rare pair

nothing comes as easy as you

jinkook12709 Wordsexplicitme what did I tell you about taking selcas in my bed?

Seokjin smut spectacular

finder's fee

jinkook12920 wordsexplicitJK actuallyJK i have an ideaJK but idk if youre going to like itme tell meJK do you know what a camboy is

Hexed Fest

kobalos gemination

jinkook11705 wordsexplicitSJ summons a dokkaebi to help him - and then accidentally summons the same dokkaebi four more times.

jungkook bingo 2021



3122 wordsexplicit"Are you going to let me continue telling you what I want to do for you?" Seokjin asks and Jungkook nods. He's not sure if this is actually something Seokjin wants to try or if he's just working Jungkook up but either way he wants to hear it. "Where was I?""On your knees," Jungkook says.

jinkook week 2021 v-day bingo


Moodboard by MysticTaegisus

1482 wordsexplicit"I have to admit, even though it's not what i necessarily wanted to be doing, it's nice. Seeing people declare their love to each other, make that vow," Jungkook says, hoping Seokjin can't hear just what a hopeless romantic he is."Yeah it's a racket," Seokjin offers crassly, laughing at the look on Jungkook's face. "Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for the wedding industry. I just think it's a crock of shit."

cashing in

Moodboard by MysticTaegisus

3407 wordsexplicit“Do you not like me?” Jungkook asks suddenly, making Seokjin start.“What? Why would you-”“If you don’t like me, why did you come over?” Jungkook continues, wounded, and Seokjin sucks in a startled breath.“I do like you! I like you a lot, that’s why- I didn’t want it to just be a hookup, okay? I didn’t want you to just pay me back, or whatever, I hoped-” he cuts himself off.

northern downpour

Moodboard by MysticTaegisus

3902 wordsexplicit"What's up?" Seokjin asks, locking eyes with Jungkook who shifts uncomfortably."I just thought... maybe you'd want..." he tries, biting his lip."I'd want what, Jungkook-ah?" Seokjin presses and something about his tone tells Jungkook he already knows."Hyung," Jungkook whines but it just makes Seokjin laugh and he knows he's not going to let him off the hook that easily. "I'm here... in your bed. Can't you think of anything you'd like to do with me?"

in focus

Moodboard by MysticTaegisus

3003 wordsexplicit“You should come over tonight,” Seokjin suggests, scooting closer so that their thighs touch. “I’ll let you take all the pictures you want.”Jungkook’s brain short-circuits for a second and Seokjin laughs at the blank look on his face. “I- you’d let me?”Seokjin shrugs. “As long as you don’t share them.”“Don’t think that will be a problem, I don’t really want to share you with anyone anyway,” Jungkook teases but then realizes what he’s said.

falling into place

Moodboard by MysticTaegisus

3988 wordsexplicit"Sometimes it's good when a plan falls through. If it hadn't rained that day..." Jungkook murmurs against Seokjin's neck."I ruined it," Seokjin laments, not able to let this go so easily. Jungkook keeps holding him and marches him to the living room, shoving him onto the couch, an oof escaping him before Jungkook straddles him, cupping his cheeks and kissing him tenderly.It's remarkably effective in distracting him and when Jungkook pulls away a few minutes later Seokjin can't even remember what he was so worked up about.

Porn cliché fest

did somebody order the extra large sausage?

jinkook5718 wordsexplicit“They make this look so easy in pornos.”

bangtan athletes

caution to the wind

jinkook13680 wordsexplicit“Look, so you have some friction, so what? Can’t you just meet each other halfway?”


play the part

degradationjinkook1644 wordsexplicitWhen he first asked Jungkook to be a little mean his eyes had gotten impossibly wider and Seokjin had been on the cusp of taking it back before Jungkook said he’d try.

before After-hours

Moodboard by Bulletproofktn

frottageminimoni2407 wordsexplicit“Do you like what you see?” Jimin asks, arching his back and kicking one leg out for effect. “Did you get what you paid for?”

hit that line

Moodboard by Bulletproofktn

birthday sexjinkook3325 wordsexplicit“Hyung,” Jungkook mumbles, “it’s your birthday.”Seokjin chuckles, pulling Jungkook closer, knowing he probably shouldn’t feel this giddy but he can’t stop it now. “I know.”“So make a wish,” Jungkook insists, big doe eyes turned up at him.


rimmingjinkook3772 wordsexplicit“Jin-hyung,” Jungkook starts and Seokjin can already hear the taunting in it. “I’m not sure that really counted as a punishment today…”

for the record

For The Record

Moodboard by Bulletproofktn

overstimulationjinkook4722 wordsexplicitSince their initial introduction, Jungkook’s closed approximately half the distance between them and Seokjin’s not always good at this kind of thing but he’s 96.2% sure Jungkook is flirting with him.

Through all space and time

ot7jin-centric2999 wordsexplicit“Is it permission, hyung? Is that what you need?” Jimin asks, reaching up to cup Seokjin’s cheek.

fandom trumps hate

average adequate amazing

st julian's

jinkook14273 wordsexplicit"I know it’s a lot to ask.”It’s an epic blindside; finding out Seokjin's in pre-heat was surprising enough, but considering they’ve never even had sex yet it hadn’t crossed Jungkook’s mind that Seokjin would ask him to help.


when your stitch comes loose

8158 wordsexplicit“Do we need to hold hands?” Taehyung jokes, letting Yoongi’s words roll off of him, for which Yoongi is thankful. Yoongi laughs. “See, we don’t even have to do it anymore, just talking about it helps.”“I don’t know, I still feel like we’re in disagreement,” Yoongi replies, teasing. He doesn’t expect Taehyung to get up and cross over to him, to take his hand.


do it for me

5577 wordsexplicit"I want to be Captain Korea," Yoongi jokes, and Jungkook bursts out laughing.


crossing bridges

2043 wordsexplicitNamjoon knows, of course, how long Jungkook’s been in love with him. But he was just a kid back then, they both were, and Namjoon wasn’t ready to face what those feelings meant.


all tangled

4031 wordsexplicit“And what if I want to?” Jimin whispers, and a shiver runs down Yoongi’s spine, because he can’t deny he’s thought about it. Thought about Jimin on his knees for him, or bent over his desk.


say those words to me

1365 wordsexplicit“What are you doing?” Seokjin asks, breaking his silence at last.“Um,” Yoongi stammers, retracting his hand. “I was… trying something.”“And what exactly are you trying?” Seokjin wants to know, eyes narrowed, a small laugh escaping him.“I was trying to- you know- dirty talk,” Yoongi explains, feeling his face flush hot under the scrutiny.


build a tolerance

4176 wordsexplicit“What’s happening?” he asks, heart hammering against his ribs. Hoseok shuts the door behind them and they take another step into his room.“Should we go?’ Namjoon asks, voice even and Taehyung can’t believe they’re not getting yelled at, that Hoseok isn’t freaking the fuck out.Yoongi lightly grips Taehyung’s chin and turns his head so they're looking at each other again. “Should they go, Taehyung-ah? Or do you want them to stay?”


light the way for me

10933 wordsexplicit“What are you doing?” Taehyung finally manages to say.“What does it look like?” Jimin asks, voice low and inviting.“And what’s he doing here?” Taehyung asks, nodding in Jungkook’s direction.


philanthropy at its finest


27.3k wordsexplicit“Did you need… assistance?” Seokjin asks, holding his breath as he waits for Jungkook’s answer and only slightly terrified he’ll say no, though it’s obvious instantly when his face melts into a warm grin that Seokjin had nothing to worry about.“I mean… if it’s not too much trouble.”

Third time charmed

third time charmed

9550 wordsteenEven though he knows this guy’s not the real deal, he’s convincing, and has an air of authority about him that makes Jungkook feel small and oddly overwhelmed.That feeling compounds because the Prince is also unbelievably handsome and Jungkook thinks Ara was right; he’s definitely the most beautiful person Jungkook’s ever seen.

ground control to major jeon - chaptered

Ground control to major jeon master

Moodboard and graphic art by Bulletproofktn

wipexplicitOn behalf of our planet, the International Space Station would like to welcome you to Earth.Earth. His new home.



Moodboard by Bulletproofktn

11.2k wordsexplicitIn which Seokjin is very noisy but he's not actually fucking Peter Parker. Probably.

say ahh

say ahh

Moodboard by Bulletproofktn

10.8k wordsexplicit“Brains can be funny like that, something we never knew we liked suddenly becomes obvious, or maybe something changes and it becomes something we like.”

focus on the feeling

st julian's

Moodboard by Bulletproofktn

37.5k wordsexplicit“How do you feel right now?” Seokjin asks.“Fine? Like, very calm but I’m also not here to fuck you so I think that helps,” Jungkook answers.

average adequate amazing

st julian's

14273 wordsexplicit"I know it’s a lot to ask.”It’s an epic blindside; finding out Seokjin's in pre-heat was surprising enough, but considering they’ve never even had sex yet it hadn’t crossed Jungkook’s mind that Seokjin would ask him to help.

flying colors

flying colors

Moodboard by Bulletproofktn

12641 wordsexplicit“I just… there are things I wanna do too that I haven’t. I was just thinking how nice it would be to be supported like that.” Jungkook slides the zipper on Seokjin’s sleeping bag up and down, avoiding eye contact.Jungkook’s definitely being weird so Seokjin narrows his eyes and presses, “What kind of things?”“Just things!” Jungkook nearly shouts.

love-line 5

love-line 5

Moodboard by Bulletproofktn

16373 wordsexplicitA sudden loud noise jolts him from his dozing - some poor soul having their volume up too loud, forgetting their ear buds aren't connected and the sounds of squelching lube and moaning fill the subway car.Jungkook looks in the direction of the ruckus to see a very attractive man turning bright red under everyone's attention.Then he realizes the person making so much noise in the video the man is watching is him.

(we go) bump in the night

Moodboard by Bulletproofktn

16569 wordsexplicitSeokjin tucks his thumbs into his underwear but pauses, looking nervous again as they hold each other's gaze. "Please don't laugh."Jungkook frowns. "Why would I la-""Or scream," Seokjin adds, then he lets out a long breath and eases his briefs down.

for the record

For The Record

Moodboard by Bulletproofktn

4722 wordsexplicitSince their initial introduction, Jungkook’s closed approximately half the distance between them and Seokjin’s not always good at this kind of thing but he’s 96.2% sure Jungkook is flirting with him.


3772 wordsexplicit“Jin-hyung,” Jungkook starts and Seokjin can already hear the taunting in it. “I’m not sure that really counted as a punishment today…”

hit that line

Moodboard by Bulletproofktn

3325 wordsexplicit“Hyung,” Jungkook mumbles, “it’s your birthday.”Seokjin chuckles, pulling Jungkook closer, knowing he probably shouldn’t feel this giddy but he can’t stop it now. “I know.”“So make a wish,” Jungkook insists, big doe eyes turned up at him.

Down the rabbit hole

12041 wordsexplicitSeokjin’s brain helpfully supplies an image that’s become too familiar lately of Jungkook using the toy on himself, the gift that was supposed to be a big joke only now it’s not funny anymore.

caution to the wind

13680 wordsexplicit“Look, so you have some friction, so what? Can’t you just meet each other halfway?”

thoroughly thrilled

4250 wordsexplicit"But you know what's nice about first dates being over?" Jungkook asks. The whoosh of a fireworks startles Seokjin and he watches as the sparks reflect in the obsidian of Jungkook's eyes. "That means it's time for second dates, and third dates."

like an arrow

6434 wordsexplicitSeokjin and Jungkook celebrate coming together for the first time 10 years ago by coming together at last

play the part

PWP Bingodegradation1644 wordsexplicitWhen he first asked Jungkook to be a little mean his eyes had gotten impossibly wider and Seokjin had been on the cusp of taking it back before Jungkook said he’d try.

the full five stars

10222 wordsexplicitMaybe the idea that someone can find a lasting relationship on a boat with a cheesy name is silly, but it's where Jungkook placed his bet.

did somebody order the extra large sausage?

5718 wordsexplicit“They make this look so easy in pornos.”

kobalos gemination

11705 wordsexplicitSJ summons a dokkaebi to help him - and then accidentally summons the same dokkaebi four more times.

more than you bargained for

11387 wordsexplicitHe isn't really worried about watching other people have sex, that’s not it; he's worried about watching Jungkook have sex with people who aren't him.

come away with me

10947 wordsexplicitDiscreet. Personalized. The sky's the limit.

finder's fee

12920 wordsexplicitJK actuallyJK i have an ideaJK but idk if youre going to like itme tell meJK do you know what a camboy is

until it burns you up

10719 wordsrated teenSeokjin sets down his chopsticks and blinks a few times, leaning in. "Do you think Yoongi is my boyfriend?”It’s clear Seokjin’s trying not to break and Jungkook feels so, so foolish suddenly. "Y-yes?"

safe and sound

12345 wordsexplicit“You just- you’re so quiet, I never thought you’d be so quiet but I must not be doing what you like or-” Jungkook babbles, his emotions on the brink of overflow.“Oh my god JK no- it’s not you,” Seokjin murmurs sweetly, pressing his lips to Jungkook’s forehead. “It’s not you, it’s- it’s me, it’s a me thing.”

nothing comes as easy as you

12709 Wordsexplicitme what did I tell you about taking selcas in my bed?


Moodboard by MysticTaegisus

1482 wordsexplicit"I have to admit, even though it's not what i necessarily wanted to be doing, it's nice. Seeing people declare their love to each other, make that vow," Jungkook says, hoping Seokjin can't hear just what a hopeless romantic he is."Yeah it's a racket," Seokjin offers crassly, laughing at the look on Jungkook's face. "Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for the wedding industry. I just think it's a crock of shit."

cashing in

Moodboard by MysticTaegisus

3407 wordsexplicit“Do you not like me?” Jungkook asks suddenly, making Seokjin start.“What? Why would you-”“If you don’t like me, why did you come over?” Jungkook continues, wounded, and Seokjin sucks in a startled breath.“I do like you! I like you a lot, that’s why- I didn’t want it to just be a hookup, okay? I didn’t want you to just pay me back, or whatever, I hoped-” he cuts himself off.

northern downpour

Moodboard by MysticTaegisus

3902 wordsexplicit"What's up?" Seokjin asks, locking eyes with Jungkook who shifts uncomfortably."I just thought... maybe you'd want..." he tries, biting his lip."I'd want what, Jungkook-ah?" Seokjin presses and something about his tone tells Jungkook he already knows."Hyung," Jungkook whines but it just makes Seokjin laugh and he knows he's not going to let him off the hook that easily. "I'm here... in your bed. Can't you think of anything you'd like to do with me?"

in focus

Moodboard by MysticTaegisus

3003 wordsexplicit“You should come over tonight,” Seokjin suggests, scooting closer so that their thighs touch. “I’ll let you take all the pictures you want.”Jungkook’s brain short-circuits for a second and Seokjin laughs at the blank look on his face. “I- you’d let me?”Seokjin shrugs. “As long as you don’t share them.”“Don’t think that will be a problem, I don’t really want to share you with anyone anyway,” Jungkook teases but then realizes what he’s said.

falling into place

Moodboard by MysticTaegisus

3988 wordsexplicit"Sometimes it's good when a plan falls through. If it hadn't rained that day..." Jungkook murmurs against Seokjin's neck."I ruined it," Seokjin laments, not able to let this go so easily. Jungkook keeps holding him and marches him to the living room, shoving him onto the couch, an oof escaping him before Jungkook straddles him, cupping his cheeks and kissing him tenderly.It's remarkably effective in distracting him and when Jungkook pulls away a few minutes later Seokjin can't even remember what he was so worked up about.


3122 wordsexplicit"Are you going to let me continue telling you what I want to do for you?" Seokjin asks and Jungkook nods. He's not sure if this is actually something Seokjin wants to try or if he's just working Jungkook up but either way he wants to hear it. "Where was I?""On your knees," Jungkook says.

for luck

879 wordsexplicit“What, like a birthday spanking? Ha, I’m a little old for that-”And Jungkook pauses his game, scoots his chair back as he grabs Seokjin by the wrist and yanks him into his lap.

(plenty of) fish in the sea

7710 wordsexplicit"So, when are you from?”“2018,” Seokjin answers plainly.“No way, I’m from 2019!” Jungkook shouts, smiling.

stay frosty

3059 wordsgeneral audiences“Do you have a pen I can borrow?” Seokjin asks him, and Jungkook realizes he’s been staring, his cheeks heating with embarrassment. He plucks the writing utensil from his mouth and starts to pass it across the table but Seokjin wrinkles his nose. “Maybe not that one.”

stay-puft hearts

3688 wordsexplicit“Hyung.”“Um, yes?” Seokjin answers, unsure if he should continue Operation Mistletoe Extraction or not.“Is that mistletoe?” Jungkook asks, and Seokjin’s too embarrassed to turn around.“No, it’s... sage,” he lies. “To clear out… negative energy.”

more than words

2923 wordsexplicit“What are you up to?” Seokjin asks but instead of answering Jungkook kisses the back of his neck. “With your parents home?”Jungkook sees right past his feigned shock. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”

if the fates allow

2435 wordsmature“Please, be merciful!” Seokjin begs, hands clasped in front of his chest. Jungkook tosses him onto the bed and follows him down, blowing raspberries against Seokjin’s neck while he squeals.“You’re going to disturb the neighbors. They’re going to accuse us of more weird sex stuff,” Jungkook says, pulling back and brushing Seokjin’s hair off his forehead.

i want your body (heat)

3158 wordsexplicit“I’ve heard sharing body heat is an excellent way to warm up.”“Sounds like a pick-up line,” Jungkook smirks.

just my type

4680 wordsexplicit“Micha’s friends are nice,” Seokjin says and Jungkook grunts and nods. They’re nice for a bunch of homewreckers he supposes.“Too bad they don’t live in Seoul, you could date one of them. Or all of them. Or whatever,” Jungkook points out.“Not my type.”

come together, come apart

17289 wordsexplicitWith Seokjin far away, without his presence in Jungkook’s everyday life, it should be easier, he could definitely do this.He can still fall out of love with him before he gets home.

truth be told

6685 wordsexplicit“Hyung don’t tease me,” he whines in embarrassment, and Seokjin tries to rectify the duality of the man pressed against him, who seems so sure on stage, so aware of his power but who’s obviously uncertain now in Seokjin’s arms.“Who said I’m teasing?” Seokjin asks, barely recognizing his own voice.

you just got punk'd!

2896 wordsexplicitWho knew ashton kutcher would be the inevitable catalyst and yet here we are

coming clean

Moodboard by MysticTaegisus

4758 wordsexplicit“I’m feeling good about it,” Jungkook tells him.“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” Seokjin asks absently, mind clouded with possible scenarios and outcomes, preparing for confrontation.“Because I’m on Team Kim Seokjin, and we all know Team Kim Seokjin always wins,” Jungkook says with a wink, looking around quickly before placing a light kiss on Seokjin’s cheek.

take me down

2698 wordsexplicit“My mouth won’t be on your dick,” Seokjin says with a smirk.“Oh yeah? And where will it- oh. Oh. Um, wow, okay,” Jungkook stammers.

find me under the stars

3274 wordsexplicit“I have no idea what I did to deserve this but if you could let me know so I could do it again that would be wonderful,” Seokjin says.

make it weird

2118 wordsexplicit“Okay. So, rules are simple.”“Yah,” Seokjin complains in reply. “On the count of three.”Jungkook pumps the lotion into his palm and frees his dick from his underwear. “Mind the wardrobe.”“No kidding,” Seokjin deadpans. “One, two, three.”

i know it's just a number but you're the 8th wonder

6697 wordsexplicitIt seems ludicrous to let something as throwaway and obviously innocent as being kissed on the ankle ruffle his feathers. He’s unflappable at this point, really.Impervious.So why is he lying in his bed at 2 in the morning still thinking about it?

pulling on your heart to push my luck

2267 wordsgeneral audiences“Hyung,” he moans, and it’s- it’s not pain, it’s not fear. It’s something else and Seokjin’s heart beats rapidly against his ribs. Jungkook makes a pleased sound and scoots back against Seokjin, getting so close there’s no space between them.Before Seokjin can even formulate a thought and transform it into a viable sentence, Jungkook is snoring.

no limits, just epiphanies

4514 wordsexplicitBut Jungkook’s brain is stuck on it now, wondering if they’re actually fucking, what position, who’s doing what, and he wants his thoughts to shut the fuck up but they just get louder as Jimin gets louder. He’s so startled he jumps when Seokjin speaks.“Are you guys fucking serious? Here? Now?” he gripes, and Taehyung giggles while Jimin groans in embarrassment, or maybe it’s in pleasure, Jungkook can’t tell.“Sorry hyung,” Jimin murmurs but it’s clear he's not.

let the world turn

Moodboard by MysticTaegisus

42586 wordsexplicit“Oh. Oh he’s… feeding you,” Jimin says, voice low. “Wow.”“Yeah, I know.”“Your hot boss is feeding you dessert he made, in front of-”“I know,” Jungkook says again.“Jungkook it’s kind of…” Jimin trails off.“Kind of what?” Jungkook asks.“It’s kind of hot. Like. There’s tension,” Jimin tells him.

Epilogue Moodboard by Bulletproofktn

have your cake

1451 wordsexplicitBut it’s his birthday, and Seokjin is trying to suppress a grin as he watches Jungkook shift from one foot to the other before finally climbing onto the mattress, laying belly down over the stack of pillows Seokjin’s so artfully arranged.He flinches at the first touch of Seokjin’s hands skimming up the backs of his thighs and Seokjin chuckles. “Relax, Jungkook-ah.”“Hyung, are you sure? I mean if you don’t want to-” He’s silenced suddenly with a firm slap across his ass.

the greatest thing

14552 wordsexplicitTo Jungkook, wrestling is a form of intimacy

chapter 1

Ground control to major jeon master

chapter 2

Ground control to major jeon master

chapter 3


chapter 4

st julian's

chapter 5


chapter 6


chapter 7


chapter 8


chapter 9


chapter 10


chapter 11


chapter 12


chapter 13



about hips and hearts

6512 wordsexplicit“Iwantyoutoholdmeupandfuckme,” Jimin says quickly, pulling his shirt over his face and whining in embarrassment.“I’m sorry, what was that?” Jungkook asks, playful so that Jimin’s sure he’s heard him. “Hyung, what did you want me to do?”“Jungkook-ah, don’t make me say it again,” Jimin pouts.


all for the love of you

812 wordsteen and upTaehyung’s had Jimin every way he wants him, and yet there’s one thing he hasn’t yet acted on, his biggest secret, something he hasn’t even told Jimin about. He carries the ring with him always, determined to someday take that step.

more than a touch (i want you to reach me)

1730 wordsgeneral audiencesThe current production went underway and he was tasked with being the personal costume assistant for Park Jimin. It’s a job he’s done before - helping an actor or dancer with their quick changes, making sure everything’s in place before they step back out on stage. He’s assisted performers more famous than Jimin and never once had any issue.But this started from day one.

a taste of what you've paid for

Moodboard by MysticTaegisus

2061 wordsexplicit“My husband was a prominent scientist and I’m... comfortable,” Jimin eludes.“Was?” Taehyung asks, turning in his chair to face Jimin more directly.“Sadly he’s no longer with us,” Jimin explains but he doesn’t seem overly upset about it.

a little more touch me

4695 wordsexplicit“So it’s VR porn,” Jungkook had said when Taehyung was explaining it to him during his hiring interview.“What? No.”“But don’t you think that’s what people will use it for?” Jungkook asked.

love growing wild

Moodboard by mystictaegisus

2362 wordsexplicit“If people find out-”“Whose business is it but ours?” Taehyung asks, running his fingers through Jimin’s hair.

flashes popped like pins

2538 wordsgeneral audiencesTaehyung rests his elbows on the table and picks up the book, opening it to the first page when something shakes out of it. Setting the book aside he picks the object up - white square paper of some kind - but then recognizes it as a Polaroid.

lonely for you only

12991 wordsexplicit“Have you ever heard of someone… not being able to see their string?” Taehyung asks. “Like, hypothetically.”“You mean the red string?” Namjoon seeks to clarify, and Taehyung nods, chews his lower lip. “I haven’t, no. Why? What brought this on?”

like a river on fire

3877 wordsexplicitWhy mess with a good thing, Jimin thinks, but can’t hold onto that when Taehyung’s on top of him, the heat of his body making Jimin sweat, or maybe it’s his teeth on Jimin’s neck. Jimin has the vague notion that he should put a stop to this but his brain is severely deprived of blood right now, all of it pooled where he ruts up against Taehyung.

like puzzle pieces from the clay

4791 wordsmatureSurprise doesn’t really cover Jimin’s feelings when Taehyung slides down from where he’s perched into the bubbles with Jimin. He’s still fully clothed, for one, long sleeved shirt and basketball shorts sticking to his skin.Secondly, it’s not like they’re in the habit of sharing a bath, and Jimin is naked under the cover of the copious suds. Taehyung looks anxious but playful, splashing a little water Jimin’s way.

we're friends when you're on your knees

20600 wordsexplicitHe’s not even sure why Taehyung hates him so much. They’ve never gotten along, that’s certain, so it was completely baffling when Taehyung walked with him to his car one night after a late shift and pressed him up against the metal, kissing him so desperately he could barely breathe.

can i go where you go?

16077 wordsexplicitHe doesn't expect to end up with an armful of a very naked man.Taehyung blinks at the podium where the statue was, and then stares wildly at the man in his arms. They lock eyes for what feels like minutes, neither speaking, until Taehyung manages, "Um..."

i'd rather be holding on

2795 wordsexplicit“What should I do then, huh?” Taehyung snaps out.There’s a pause, a moment when Jimin weighs his options. "Make it up to me."

let your teeth sink in

4376 wordsexplicitomegaverseJimin runs.He pounds the earth under his feet as he goes, doesn’t even dare to look back. One wrong step could mean certain death, he’s already weakened from the fight. Outcast and out numbered and there’s no choice left. This is exile.

like vines

1645 wordsmature“You make it better, when it’s too much. Sometimes it’s like all the negative thoughts in my head come together against me,” Jimin confesses. Taehyung idly plays with one of Jimin’s rings and Jimin takes a breath, pushes on. “Like when I feel like I can’t anymore, like no one thinks I can, you always believe in me.”

hopeless romantic (you're just hopeless)

3935 wordsmature“Hyung, have you ever considered - and stop me if this sounds absurd - that Jimin… likes you?”Taehyung pulls a face. “Of course he likes me, he’s my best friend.”

in bloom

24399 wordsexplicit“Dude! He’s totally into you,” Seokjin says.“What?” Taehyung responds, still in some sort of haze.“Are you blind? He’s flirting with you, Taehyung. You’re so lucky I’m here to point it out to you. In fact, I’m the reason you’re here, so you’re doubly lucky. Because of me. You can thank me whenever you’d like,” Seokjin says.

best laid plans

5824 wordsexplicitFor as many years as he’s tried to ignore it or deny it to himself he knows now exactly what he wants, and he has to add it to the list of things he can’t have. But he’s not a love sick teenager anymore, he’s had years of experience telling himself that Taehyung will never be his for more reasons that he can probably list.

a piece of me with you

8370 wordsexplicit"Look. Most people don't even realize how much soul they have to begin with, and I'm really only taking a very minuscule portion of it.""What will it do to me?""Probably nothing.""That sounds like something a demon would say."

miles between

1903 wordsexplicit"Did you get the mail today?”“No, why?” Taehyung asks, confused.“I sent you something.” There’s something in Jimin’s voice Taehyung can’t pinpoint. Something mischievous maybe.

when we got close

36848 wordsexplicitJimin is Tannie's groomer and Taehyung is smitten immediately

love you outloud

6153 wordsexplicit"I don't want to come in my pants," he whines into Taehyung's mouth."Not again?" Taehyung huffs out a laugh. "But it's so hot when you do."

sunshine riptide

7413 wordsexplicitTaehyung’s heart aches in a way he’s become all too familiar with over the last few years, longing for something that seems like it’s almost in his grasp but just out of reach, like he can’t quite close his fingers around it. It’s love, he knows that now, has known for a while. He’s always cared about Jimin, for a long time has loved him in a way, but this is different.

snapping at their heels

9613 wordsexplicittae is bad at being a demon

not all magic and fate

9855 wordsexplicit“Thanks for inviting me out!” Taehyung interrupts, plopping down next to Jimin. “Why are you staring at that guy?”“Love spell,” Hoseok simplifies, and Taehyung merely nods as if this is what he was expecting.“Who cast it?”


3262 wordsexplicit“I could be all yours, you just have to ask,” Jimin says, and his words hang in the air as Taehyung sucks in a breath.

mostly vanilla with a side of tentacle porn

3847 wordsexplicit“T- tentacle porn?” Taehyung says, voice going a little higher than usual. The anime Jimin had been watching shows a scene of a 10 tentacled monster fucking its way through Tokyo. “You like that?”

want it all

1945 wordsexplicitJimin clears his throat, fiddles with the hem of his shirt. Finally, he says, “Could I - could I stay and watch?”

good together

2781 wordsexplicit“What is it called?”“Full length?”“No it’s bigger than that. This is like-”“The perfect mirror to have sex in front of?” Taehyung finishes, raising an eyebrow. “I mean I spent like an hour researching this.”“I don’t know if that’s too much or too little,” Jimin comments.

lying together

3172 wordsexplicitTaehyung hangs around, tries to stay out of Jimin’s way. In fact he tries to avoid Jimin’s line of sight because if Jimin sees him, he might catch on to the fact that he’s not even trying to flirt with anyone. Then Jimin might ask him about it. And Taehyung might have to come clean about the fact that he hasn’t had sex in five months because if he can’t have Jimin he doesn’t want anyone.

double knot

1604 wordsexplicit“Tighter,” Jimin whines. “Please,” Taehyung moves to face him, pulling the length of rope along with him. He wraps it around Jimin’s chest, tucks it in on itself to form a twist.

counting the beat

10294 wordsexplicitThey’ve agreed they wouldn’t have contact over the break, they’d wait until they came back together for Bon Voyage. Then they would see if the feelings were still there, if it was still a good idea to move things to the next level.


1539 wordsgeneral audiences“I’m not that drunk you know,” Jimin complains, tries to wriggle out of Taehyung’s hold on him.“I know you’re not, just - I don’t want you to feel shitty tomorrow. So let’s get you in bed,” Taehyung says.Jimin raises his eyebrows. “Finally,” he mutters, and Taehyung’s eyes go wide.

can you come through?

10858 wordsexplicitIt’s starting to get out of control, the way Taehyung feels about Jimin. It’s becoming all consuming, and he’s worried Jimin will notice something is going on.


2602 wordsexplicitJimin is drunk. Drunker than he meant to be. Going to Taehyung’s hotel room in the middle of the night after all that wine seemed like a good idea at the time. Jimin hadn’t intended to fall face first into his best friend’s chest, nor had he thought he might climb his way up to Taehyung’s mouth and press a kiss there.

then there was malta

20152 wordsexplicit“Is this about Taehyung?” Jungkook asks as if he could read Jimin’s mind. Jimin forces a poker face, at least he thinks he does. “I knew it.”“I didn’t say anything!” Jimin exclaims, glaring at Jungkook. But is there any point in denying it now? He feels vaguely miserable, but he can’t help the little smile that pulls on his lips when he thinks about Taehyung.


the catch - chaptered

Moodboards by Bulletproofktn

Jin-Harem137.6kexplicitIt’s not necessarily that Seokjin wants to get married, he’s just… lonely. His house is too big and most of his “friends” rotate through it like it’s a resort and not his private residence, maintaining a buffered distance that leaves him wanting something real.A myriad of relationships under his belt and he doesn’t think one I love you was honest, from them or from him. He dated who he was supposed to, then tried dating who he wasn’t supposed to, then gave up all together.One of these guys could be the real thing.

know better

Through all space and time

2999 wordsexplicit“Is it permission, hyung? Is that what you need?” Jimin asks, reaching up to cup Seokjin’s cheek.

through all space and time

Through all space and time

Moodboard by sinclair

10079 wordsexplicit“It’s okay!” Hoseok is quick to say. “We just didn’t know… which one of us you meant.”“I shouldn’t have-” he starts, because he feels like he’s betrayed them somehow by thinking of them like that, and he feels gross, like some kind of pervert.“It’s okay, Jungkook-ah,” Yoongi soothes. “We just wondered, is all.”

chapter 1

The Catch Chapter 1

chapter 2

The Catch Chapter 2

chapter 3

Through all space and time

chapter 4

Through all space and time

chapter 5

Through all space and time

chapter 6

Catch 6

chapter 7

Through all space and time

chapter 8

The Catch 8

chapter 9

Catch 9

chapter 10

Catch 10

chapter 11

chapter 11

chapter 12

catch 12

chapter 13

st julian's

chapter 14

catch 14

chapter 15

catch 15

chapter 16

st julian's

chapter 17

st julian's

chapter 18

st julian's

chapter 19

st julian's



sure thing

3610 wordsexplicitJimin’s straddling Taehyung, thighs squeezing Taehyung’s hips where he sits just a few cushions down on the couch, and he’s- they’re kissing. And not just a little, they’re making out. On the same couch as Namjoon.He immediately looks back down at his book and stares at it so hard it might as well catch fire. Part of him thinks about complaining, telling them to knock it off, but another part urges him to leave quietly, because it’s obvious that, once again, he might as well not even be here.


on golden sands

13140 wordsexplicit"Hyung, do you know how to build a boat?""Probably? I've never tried before," Yoongi says, clearly humoring his employee."Can you teach me how to build a boat in three days?"


hell of a first time

3901 wordsexplicit“Hey, so, no pressure but… if you wanted to fool around or anything before you move, just let me know.”Namjoon looks over at Yoongi, just two cushions away on the couch, staring straight ahead at the TV. “What?”“Like I said, no pressure,” Yoongi adds.


ƎΛO˥ in Saint Julian's

st julian's

4223 wordsexplicitNamjoon's hand settles down on the bare part of Hoseok’s leg right above his knee, warm and solid and for some reason Hoseok can tell it’s more than just a friendly touch.


before after-hours

Moodboard by Bulletproofktn

frottage2407 wordsexplicit“Do you like what you see?” Jimin asks, arching his back and kicking one leg out for effect. “Did you get what you paid for?”



Fangirl, writer. BTS.

